--- title: "rangeModelMetadata Function Directory" author: "Cory Merow, Brian S. Maitner, Hannah L. Owens, Jamie Kass, Brian Enquist, Rob Guralnick" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{rangeModelMetadata Function Directory} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- The rangeModelMetadata package is designed to provide functionality for working with rangeModelMetadata (`rmm`) objects. These `rmm` objects are nested lists that hierarchically store data associated with species range/niche/distribution models. These objects are designed to be flexible to accommodate a wide variety of modeling frameworks while also making modeling decisions transparent. For full information on each function, see the associated help file. ### Primary functions * `rmmTemplate` Creates an empty `rmm` object that can then be populated by the user. * `rmmCheckEmpty` Checks for empty values in the rmm object. * `rmmSuggest` Provides suggested values for rmm object fields. ### `rmm` Autofill functions Functions to automatically populate the relevant fields in an `rmm` object. * `rmmAutofillPackageCitation` Takes in a vector of packages used by the user in a workflow and returns a vector of Bibtex citations that can be inserted into the rmm object. * `rmmAutofillEnvironment` Takes in environmental rasters used in modeling and adds relevant information to the `rmm` object. * `rmmAutofillENMeval` Populates `rmm` objects with data taken from an `ENMeval` object. * `rmmAutofillBIEN` Populates occurrence field in an `rmm` object with output from a `BIEN_occurrence_...` query. * `rmmAutofillspocc` Populates occurrence field in an `rmm` object with output from a spocc query. ### `rmm` Check functions Functions to check for common errors in `rmm` objects. * `rmmCheckName` Identifies non-standard name fields in an rmm object. * `rmmCheckValue` Checks a subset of `rmm` values against commonly used values and returns information on possible errors. * `rmmCheckMissingNames` Identify obligate fields that are missing. * `rmmCheckEmpty` Identify empty fields in an `rmm` object and classify these into obligate and optional fields. * `rmmCleanNULLs` Remove NULL entries in an `rmm` object. * `rmmCheckFinalize` Run all checking functions (`rmmCheck...`) sequentially to detect non-standard and missing values and fields ### `rmm` Utilities * `rmmFamilies` View entity family names. * `rmmDataDictionary` View the data dictionary. * `rmmToCSV` Converts the `rmm` object to a CSV file. * `csvTormm` Create `rmm` object From .csv File